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Attendance 209-953-8926

Attendance A-L Rosie Loza
Attendance M-Z Natalie Diaz
Every day counts!  Make sure your student is coming to school EVERY day!  Attendance at school helps students succeed academically, helps prepare students for a bright future and allows for students to build connections.
Every absence MUST be cleared within 48 hours!

To check a student out during the school day for an appointment, you can do one of the following:

  1. Send a note with student ahead of time
  2. Call ahead
  3. Email ahead of time
  4. Come to campus to check out student (must have valid ID and be indicated in student’s Aeries)


**The Attendance Office needs parent/guardian permission BEFORE a student may leave campus, either by a signed note with the student or a phone call / email ahead of time.**

Please note:

  • Getting a student out of class is a process that may take awhile. It’s best to send a signed note, send an email  or call early in the day; that way, your student will be pre-authorized to leave class at a certain time and can simply meet you at your car.
  • Using a cell phone to leave messages can be unreliable; too often messages are garbled. Please speak slowly, clearly and spell out the student’s first and last name.